My last two days in Israel have been great. Yesterday I picked up a friend of mine, Justin Bourge in Jerusalem and we headed north to the Sea of Galilee. On our way we stopped at Armeggedon. The place where the final battle will take place. I have been studying the end times prophecies the last few months and it was nice to see a place that not only has history but also has a future significance in biblical prophecy. There was a city built on a hill called Megiddo that looks out over the valley. A Roman Emperor, if i am not mistaken, looked over the land and said it was the greatest battlefied he had ever seen. Megiddo has 26 layers of ruins of ancient cities. The reason this small mound and surrounding area was so important was because of its location. It was basically the center of the world. The major trade routes came thru this valley so control over it was of utmost importance. The location might also explain the reason for it being the site of the final battle.
Pictures really cant do this place justice.
This video doesn't really capture the size of this valley. Very cool place.
I then headed up to the Sea of Galilee. It is considered one of the most beautiful lakes in the world. It is 7 miles wide and 12 miles long. It is also the place where Jesus did 75 - 80% of his teaching. On the east side of the lake is Mt. Arbel. Also known as the mountain of prayer. I have been a lot of places and seen a lot of very cool things but this is by far the most awesome place I have ever been on earth.
I don't have the words to describe this place. You can see the entire Sea of Galilee. The Jewish people would refer to wind on a hot day as a gift from God and when I felt the breeze on top of this mountain I could totally understand why. Rabbis used to climb this mountain early in the mornings to pray for their people. It was not an easy hike but they considered the walk up the mountain as part of their prayer. They didn't have the science to understand how our bodies sweat, so they considered it to be a miracle. They were grateful to the Lord for their sweat. We can now explain how our bodies cool themselves off with perspiration, but does that make it any less of a miracle and worthy of gratitude to out maker. If I could live anywhere in the world, and I mean anywhere, it would be on top of this mountain.
I am getting ready to head to the airport. Got a long thirteen hour flight ahead of me. If there is one thing God has taught me on this trip it is this: Acknowledge the Holy Spirit. The people of the old testament did not have the presence of God living inside of them. We have one third of the Trinity, God in Spirit walking with us everyday. I honestly thought I would "feel" closer to God over here. But God has taught me that His presence is always with me, in Jerusalem or Louisville. It doesn't matter where you are His Spirit is with you, to help you, counsel you and g strengthen you to spread the Good News.
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. - Acts 1:8
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