1. I have never seen a new born baby that looked like a parent. Maybe its just me, but when I heard "I think she has his mouth and her eyes", I just don't see it. All babies are cute and my niece is beautiful but I don't see any resemblance.
2. Labor and Delivery waiting rooms are very entertaining, if you like to watch people. In five minutes you can easily label everyone in the room. You see the over anxious future grandmother who really fixed herself up for the I am too young to be a grandmother look. You have the uninterested grandpa who is wearing the t-shirt, I am the Papa, but would much rather be watching Monday Night Football on his couch at home. Then there is the aunt who thinks she is a nurse because she took one semester of nursing school constantly spouting off medical terms and dying to be back in the delivery room. Pure comedy.
3. Holding a new born baby is one of the most difficult things in the world to me. Seriously, I get really nervous and uncomfortable, especially on the hand off, which scares me to death. I could have just admired my beautiful niece as my mom or brother held her. But I couldnt resist. Why? Because of all the things I have done or seen in my life, nothing testifies greater to the existence of God than holding a new born baby. It really amazes me, how someone could look at my beautiful niece and say that there is no god.
God is good, God is great