Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Baby Girl!

My sister n law gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on Monday night, Sienna Marie Morris. A few thoughts from that night:

1. I have never seen a new born baby that looked like a parent. Maybe its just me, but when I heard "I think she has his mouth and her eyes", I just don't see it. All babies are cute and my niece is beautiful but I don't see any resemblance.

2. Labor and Delivery waiting rooms are very entertaining, if you like to watch people. In five minutes you can easily label everyone in the room. You see the over anxious future grandmother who really fixed herself up for the I am too young to be a grandmother look. You have the uninterested grandpa who is wearing the t-shirt, I am the Papa, but would much rather be watching Monday Night Football on his couch at home. Then there is the aunt who thinks she is a nurse because she took one semester of nursing school constantly spouting off medical terms and dying to be back in the delivery room. Pure comedy.

3. Holding a new born baby is one of the most difficult things in the world to me. Seriously, I get really nervous and uncomfortable, especially on the hand off, which scares me to death. I could have just admired my beautiful niece as my mom or brother held her. But I couldnt resist. Why? Because of all the things I have done or seen in my life, nothing testifies greater to the existence of God than holding a new born baby. It really amazes me, how someone could look at my beautiful niece and say that there is no god.

God is good, God is great

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


The best definition of Wisdom I have ever heard is: The ability to see life from God's perspective. Just think about that for a second. What if we could see what God sees and know what God knows. If you could see the big picture, know what lies ahead, know how it all ends. What if you could see how much God really loves you, see that He is really fond of you. I heard a man say once that the reason we get offended by other people, when they cut us off in traffic or belittle us with their words, is not because it cost us 2 seconds on our way home, but because we don't feel loved. We feel offended, disrespected, like the other person is saying we are not good enough. But if you truly know and believe that you are the pride and joy of the maker of the universe, you are the apple of the His eye, you are the son or daughter or the Lord Almighty, how can someone in traffic disrespect you or steal your joy. The Love of God brings a confidence and a joy that no one can steal. I have a friend that is the perfect example of this. When he walks, it always looks like he is strolling thru a park with the andy griffith theme song in his head. He always look so peaceful, joyful, never stressed. Why? Because he knows without a shadow of a doubt that he is loved by God, not like the love we know, where you love your brother because hes your brother. A love we cant imagine. The Bible says His love for us makes the love we have for our family seem like hate. He doesn't just love you, He adores you.

No matter what you have going on right now, remember to see the big picture and know that you are loved by an Awesome God.

If you have five minutes,check out this video. Really makes you think.